Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 11/23/2016 Do you think as President, Trump will do what he wants to do and we all will let him get away with it?
Otis Campbell asked 11/22/2016 Today president kennedy was assinatted in 1963 do u think that was the end innocence for america??
Corey The Goofyhawk asked 11/11/2016 Many Clintonites are holding on to the slim hope that Electors will ignore their voters and switch their votes to Clinton on December 19th, giving her the White House. What are the chances? What are your thoughts?
Jann Nikka asked 9/29/2016 Is the Republicans shutting down the government again on Fri, Oct 1? I'm not understanding. Read several articles.
otis campbell asked 7/13/2016 was george bush. drunk yesterday at dallas memorial service? he was dancing to glory glory truth comes marching on
Ray Dart asked 4/27/2016 If President Trump decides to go through with his threat to deport (and possibly subsequently re-admit) 11,000,000 "illegals", how will he do this?
Anonymous asked 3/11/2016 which one would you vote for? 1. Hillary Clinton 2. Bernie Sanders 3. Other
otis campbell asked 2/28/2016 Ok here is your choice for potus hillary donald trump or otis or bugs bunny your vote?
Jann Nikka asked 2/10/2016 After Hilary is elected Madame President, what wil our beloved Bill be called? Keep it clean LOL.
Didge Doo asked 1/20/2016 If Donald Trump and Sarah Palin had a baby, what qualities would it have? What would be its IQ? Would YOU vote for it?
Maurice Korvo asked 1/2/2016 When does the US make up its mind who is running for Pres? Does the preliminary stuff really have to go on for years?