Dan Banks asked 4/17/2013 Do you think it's right that Margaret Thatcher is receiving a publicly-funded funeral?
Dan Banks asked 4/8/2013 Margaret Thatcher was a divisive political figure. Do you think she was one of Britain's 'best' or 'worst' Prime Ministers?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 11/12/2011 Under ObamaCare, the makers of artificial hips and knees will cut 5% of its workforce. Why?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 11/12/2011 Obama embarking on day of diplomacy in Hawaii in air force one, Michelle following in air force two? How about the dog?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 11/7/2011 Why are Republicans labeled as racists by those on the left when they disagree with Obama's policies, but don't want to be labeled as racists when they denegrate and assassinate Herman Cain's character?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 9/13/2011 If Hillary joins the Democrat Presidential race, do you think that PObama will drop out?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 9/8/2011 In Obama's speech tonight (Thursday) will Obama tell the people what they really want to hear?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 9/8/2011 In Obama's speech tonight (Thursday) what do Americans want to hear?
Tony Newcastle asked 9/5/2011 In the US deficit-reduction debate, by accepting the pressing need for deep cuts to State-run health pension schemes -- on which millions of Democrat voters depend -- has Mr.Obama shot his re-election chances to shreds?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 9/5/2011 Obama spends and spends and spends Labor Day reassuring unoin members at bankrupt Detriot rally. He loves those guys, doesn't he?