Charles Davis asked 12/10/2015 Here's an interesting trivia question, that I just learned about today. Who was the first person in the US government to carry the title of President?
Didge Doo asked 12/9/2015 Time magazine's person of the year for 2015 is Angela Merkel, German chancellor. Runner-up is Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of ISIS. Third is Donald Trump, US embarrassment. How do YOU feel about those? What criteria are used for the selections?
Chandler Howard asked 8/28/2015 In 1988 George Herbert walker bush promised he wouldn't raise taxes, during the bush/quayle administration, were taxes raised, did he keep his promise?
Chandler Howard asked 7/14/2015 What presidents do you think cheated their way to victory, or are corrupt?
Chandler Howard asked 7/10/2015 "Lee Oswald killed JFK" Do you believe it? Or are there other possibilities.
Chandler Howard asked 7/10/2015 (People from countries, other than the U.S.) Who's the leader of your nation?
Chandler Howard asked 7/6/2015 Nixon has watergate, but do people ignore the good things he did? What are some of his accomplishments?
Megan goodgirl asked 6/17/2015 I know this is a silly question but do you think Jason Bateman would make a good president?
Drue Beall asked 6/16/2015 Donald Trump is running for President of the United States! Would you vote for Trump or Hillary?
Darling Divaa asked 3/11/2015 I know Presidents are still referred to as Mr President when they leave office as a courtesy but why aren't First Ladies addressed as First Lady upon leaving the White House?