Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/17/2011 With Obama losing in the polling of New Jersey, the bluest of blue states, can you tell me which state Obama is gaining any ground?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/17/2011 On his bus tour, didn't Obama get a small taste of what's ahead with his Tea Partier encounter? Especially when those asking him questions had been hand picked?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/17/2011 Why is Obama's taxpayer funded bus tour being labeled, "The Bad News Throw America Under The Bus Tour"?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/17/2011 Why is Obama using the term, "Tax Reform," instead of, "Tax Increases," when he's speaking of raising taxes?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/17/2011 Will America go into recession before Obama releases his specific economic and jobs plan in September after he is done with his throw America under the bus tour and his 11 day vacation in Martha's Vineyard? Whew! ! ! ! Busy guy.
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/16/2011 At $1.1 million each (yep, that's right) these two Obamamobiles are touring the countryside at taxpayer expense. So why does he criticize truck and SUV owners wherever he stops with these fuel guzzlers?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/15/2011 When Obama wasn't getting his way about raising the debt ceiling from the Republicans, why did he threaten Senior Citizens to not send out their Socialial Security checks or the military checks, both of which was just not true?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/13/2011 There were six words he uttered to a room full of fellow Democrats the day after closing the debt-ceiling deal: "We're not even halhway there yet." Do you want to go where Obama is taking us?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/9/2011 Wasn't Obama's mantra, "Yes We Can?" And is it now, "Hey, We Might,"?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/8/2011 Why are some blacks starting to wonder out loud if blind support for the president is going against their own interests?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/5/2011 Just a year ago, Obama was in his 40s and his approval rating was in the 50s. Now it's the other way around. Why did that happen?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/5/2011 Obama is blaming the present economic chaos on the :"Arab Spring," and the, "Tsunami on Japan." What do you think?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 8/5/2011 Why is Obama doing these things to Wall Street when they are his buddies?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 7/28/2011 Why doesn't Obama use the oval office as all of his predecessors did when he talks to the people? --- Changing traditions? --- The Great Depression is only 3 days away, so why doesn't he use the oval office?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 7/27/2011 With the debt limit deadline date quickly coming up, Obama speaks of his budget plans, but has yet, to present his plans. The plans he speaks of don't exist and Congress cannot vote on his non-existent plans. If you think they exist, where are they?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 7/27/2011 Why does Obama Desperately blame the Republicans for their budget plans when he hasn't, as yet, presented his budget plans? Isn't the deadline less than a week away?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 7/26/2011 Why hasn't there been a Constitutionally mandated budget since Obama took office?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 7/25/2011 If terrorists had both of Obama's daughters in custody, would he approve of waterboarding those who would have information about their whereabouts?