Anonymous asked 11/17/2013 I gave my girl friend synthetic marijuana and now she is paralyzed waist down will she recover after she sleeps or what do I do?
Anonymous asked 11/11/2013 How can I listen to the calls my girlfriend receives when anyone calls her?
Adrianna Brown asked 10/30/2013 I am in basketball and I have a really cute guy on my team. The problem is I haven't even met him yet. I'm too nervous to even say "hi"?
Anonymous asked 10/30/2013 I like this guy, he supports me because I am unemployed, he tells me he loves me, but I know it's a lie because his actions speak differently. I just feel as if he doesn't want to be with me, he rows for nothing and then tries to insult me. What should I do?
Kaphirom ming-khwan asked 10/27/2013 Why is it that as you grow, you feel more loving towards your parents and brothers and that you worry them when you're not with them? And why do you feel sad when you think of it?
Max Atwood asked 10/21/2013 My roommates are using me and lying to me because I'm into lolicon (Google it if you don't know what it means). How do I deal with it? Should I just move out?
Anonymous asked 10/21/2013 When a person raises their voice does that mean they are passionate about the subject they are yelling about, or that they're angry? Or are they trying to convince the other person they're right?
Anonymous asked 10/20/2013 I have been having a red, itchy vagina... I am going to get std testing but what should I get tested for?
Anonymous asked 9/29/2013 I was coming home from the beach with a friend, her boyfriend, and her mom. Me and my friend fell asleep and when I woke up her boyfriend was rubbing my thigh. I just moved my leg and pretended I was still asleep because I was shocked. Why would he do that?
Anonymous asked 9/13/2013 I was sitting on the porch with my boyfriend at night and he's seen a man walking in front of our neighbors driveway and then disappeared. A few minutes later he has seen him again, crouched behind a car staring at us. Why would he behave in this way?
Anonymous asked 9/9/2013 Everyone bullied me because I didn't know who some celebrity named Avril Lavigne was. they treated me terrible and everything. who is that person? I've never heard of the celebrity
Anonymous asked 8/28/2013 Can both A positive parents (one of which is rhesus positive) have an O positive child?
Anonymous asked 8/5/2013 Can all Dominicans fight? I'm just asking because this girl said she can fight well because she's Dominican?
Anonymous asked 7/28/2013 How do you tell your mom that her boyfriend's been touching you for 4 years?