Kati Adamson asked 3/10/2012 What do you do when someone (relative) offends you and NOTHING you say will make him stop being extremely nasty to you? P.s. IGNORING DOESN'T WORK! (at all.) ergh...
Cheryle Masters asked 3/3/2012 What would you do if you were trying to make amends and the person got into defense mode and was not accepting of your apology? Would you walk away? Or, stay and fight? Why?
Adila Adila asked 2/26/2012 What do you think is the biggest risk we take everyday? Apparently to statistics , its "Getting into car" that is the big risk we all take...what do you think?
Ellie Brister asked 2/25/2012 I have a major urge to wear diapers. Everytime I see a diaper advertisment I want to go buy some. Is there something wrong with me?
Lois Greger asked 2/25/2012 Priorities often change suddenly throughout the day. If you are asked to quickly do another task, how does that affect your mood? What if it is the third time before noon?
elmosaywat elmosaywat asked 2/24/2012 I need fun things to do at a sleepover for 9,10,11,12 year olds! Please answer?
Cheryle Masters asked 1/28/2012 Does it bug anyone else that when you ask a question, you get a response that has absolutely nothing to do w/the question you asked?
Maxine Chan asked 1/9/2012 Do you actually take the advice given on here when you ask for help with your problem or do you just weigh the pros and cons?
Anya Elvidge asked 12/13/2011 Was I sexually abused? He was about 18, I about 10. He touched me through my clothes and once tried to penetrate me with his fingers but I think I screamed. I believe some of my memories are repressed. I can't make myself believe I was.
Maxine Chan asked 12/13/2011 Isn't telling someone to be themselves so obvious and so cliche? Ever thought being themself is not good enough or they are insecure? They are being themselves arn't they?
tayla asked 12/1/2011 Why do older kids wet the bed still? My little sister is 14, and still does.. Is there something wrong?
Maxine Chan asked 11/30/2011 What do you miss most about your past? If you could go back to that time period, would you or would you just want to live in the present?
Maxine Chan asked 11/28/2011 We all judge each other from our own point of view, but why is it that we get offended so easily? Why can't we just take in their opinion and just forget about our feelings for once?