Anonymous asked 8/24/2014 How do I hide my cut marks on arm. I don't do it anymore, they're just scars. It's too hot for long sleeves and I wear no jewelry. Any ideas?
Anonymous asked 8/19/2014 I am a teenage boy and I really want to get my ears pierced but I am afraid to even ask my parents if i can get it done. I am scared they will get mad at me just for wanting to get earrings. Advice?
Ash Rett asked 8/15/2014 When I get upset about something important my cousin always talks about something that happened to her a year ago. Why?
Katrina Burgett asked 8/15/2014 How can I check to see if someone is receiving my calls or forwarding my calls or text messages?
Anonymous asked 8/11/2014 My boyfriends friend hates me because he's been told lies about me and my bf has stuck up for me telling him it's not true. I want to text his friend to make things better but don't know what to say??
Nikki Ridgerider asked 7/29/2014 What is considered "normal showering," and how often do you shower? Wow that's a weird question from a weird mind...
Anonymous asked 7/28/2014 My boyfriends best friend tried to break us up -well he did for a few days. We're back together and he wants me to be friends with his friend. I can't stand him and don't want to talk, see him or have him round MY house, what can I do?
Anonymous asked 7/26/2014 I have depersonalization disorder and I want to know how to cure it. I want to kill myself to make it stop but I am not depressed and don't even want to die. What can I do to get rid of depersonalization disorder?
Anonymous asked 7/25/2014 My impotence is permanent, and always was-so why were you so cruel in your answers? I didn't deserve it.God made me like this. It's not my fault!
Minia Frion asked 7/16/2014 I am literally desperate to get girlfriend, I want to feel what love is like and it's hard for me to find someone because I have panic disorder. The option is commiting suicide I guess?
Carmina Fuentes asked 7/15/2014 My mother is thinking about taking public speech classes now. Is it probable to improve my mother’s delicate anxieties in crowds due to mature age through public speaking classes? Will these better help make her cope with her fears?
Anonymous asked 7/14/2014 Even if your family does not support it (but you feel strongly about it), would you still follow your heart?
Anonymous asked 7/6/2014 Will people notice when you used to be a happy girl and then you turn to an emo girl?
Calvin Watkins asked 7/4/2014 Did I do something for people to turn against me? I say all the right things, but every time I talk, someone shuts me down, why is that?
Anonymous asked 7/1/2014 Is it normal to put toilet paper in my vagina? Sometimes when I go to the bathroom, I roll up some toilet paper and put it in my vaginal lips. It feels good to me. I change it when I go to the bathroom. Is this normal? No rude answers please.
Anonymous asked 6/30/2014 All the questions asked here are displayed publicly? I really have a very personal problem and I really need help?