Addilynn All Star asked 9/3/2011 I dont want to sound rude but its really ticking me off when people say "jk"! me its like your sayin JK...what's wrong with "Jus kiddin"? Only a few extra lazy are the people of today?
Tony Newcastle asked 9/2/2011 When you hear a person say: "I hate their guts", --are you always mystified and puzzled just as to why they would choose to take strong objection to someone's intestines, entrails or bowels?
Maxine Chan asked 9/1/2011 I am having a bad week.... I hate life.. Feels like it is getting worse as the days go by.. Ever feel like that?
Maxine Chan asked 8/30/2011 Forcing people to do things that they do not want to do will make them rebel against you, true or false?
Chloey Brown asked 8/21/2011 I love shoppong but its got 2 out of control how do i control it. Cause im rich?
Addilynn All Star asked 8/19/2011 Sometimes, following your heart means losing your mind, But is it worth the risk? 8)
Addilynn All Star asked 8/15/2011 I Nver ask personal questions , i like to keep myself to myself and i nevr share my problems to anyone..but today i feel as if im on my own...nobody believes me and once again im misunderstood...anybody gnna cheer me upp? Plss?
Jake Anderson asked 8/11/2011 Any ideas for someone who cant sleep... Please help, It's 5:00am here and I'm knackered but I can sleep D?
Neji Shaul asked 7/27/2011 Friends. Well I have 'Friends' but their not Really my friends Thier 'Fill in' friends until the right 1s come along But im fearin that they never will. I dont fit in with any of the girls, And boys yea, but theres somthin missin, u know. Help?
Franklin Bland asked 7/21/2011 Every one must journey the path they have chosen . If we changed one small thing in our past, (had iced tea instead of cola at lunch last Thursday) would that truly affect our path?thour
Belle asked 7/20/2011 If you could have a do over, what would it be? Anything from your entire life up to this point that you'd like to 'do over'?
Addilynn All Star asked 7/19/2011 You can't make the same mistake twice. ♥ the second time, // is not a mistake, its a choice.// ! Dont you think?
catherine adams asked 7/12/2011 Cut the crap make a new start? What would you life to do differently?
Joseph Michael Wasik asked 7/12/2011 Do you think that most people are aware that something is wrong, that there is danger in the future, yet are in denial? Or that it is too scary to think about? That there is a normalcy bias infecting most people?