Anonymous asked 7/25/2014 My dog is constantly licking and biting his back, butt, paws and tail until they bleed. How can I help relieve his pain?
Anonymous asked 7/23/2014 My male dog recently pissed out green slime...what should I do? Should I be concerned?
Anonymous asked 7/18/2014 My 3 year old pitbull/boxer mix is pacing back and forth in the middle of the night. She also seems to be going in circles and looking at her butt. She keeps staring at me. She has ear mites so bad that no medication is working. What can I do?
Anonymous asked 7/13/2014 My dog is acting sick, throwing up, shaking, acting weird and she has diarrhea.....would she have a bug?
mary stewart asked 7/9/2014 My dog is coughing like she has a hairball. What can I do at home for her?
Gracie karras asked 7/7/2014 I have 3 Beagles, In the past 8 months 2 have now been diagnosed with back Injuries. There kept in a double fenced in yard trauma seems unlikely. One is 2yr the other 9. Both dogs presented without fever. could it be some kind of bug/spider bite?
Anonymous asked 7/4/2014 My puppy won't eat, finally got him to drink a little and has been sleeping all day. His tummy felt hot. I've been keeping him cool. Yesterday lots of play time and heat also drank some pool water. Is he going to be ok?
Anonymous asked 7/4/2014 My elderly dog won't eat. We have even made her special food. How do I get her to eat?
Anonymous asked 7/3/2014 My dog just had puppies and is now trying to eat everything in sight. Paper, tissue, gloves. I keep food out for her. She has a bowl near the pups and a bowl upstairs?
Anonymous asked 7/2/2014 My female dog has a softball size soft ball in her abdomine, her stomach makes loud gurgling noises?
Anonymous asked 6/26/2014 my german sheppard has a a yellowish mucus coming from just one eye. How come?
lorena- colgin asked 6/23/2014 My puppy got into something, he'll lay down but only for a couple seconds then he scurries a foot or so or a few inches away and he won't eat, drink,or come to me or look at me. He's constantly moving and his eyes are strange looking. I'm very concerned. What do I do?