Anonymous asked 9/10/2014 After you wash a dog with vinegar (To get rid of the fleas), do you have to wash the dog afterwards to get rid of the smell or do you have to keep the smell on so the fleas won`t come?
Anonymous asked 9/10/2014 My bitch had puppies in the middle of April. She just went into her first heat again. It is at the end of the two weeks. Can she get pregnant?
Anonymous asked 9/6/2014 I have a 4 year old Boston terrier acting lethargic, not eating, seems very weak. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 9/5/2014 I'm looking for a new dog. It needs to be small to medium sized, doesn't need to go to the groomers, is good with dogs and children 3+ and can be alone in the house for at least four hours. I know it's really picky but anyone got any suggestions???
Anonymous asked 9/2/2014 i have a lab mix, she has joint problems. She has the meds for this but she can not b,m,. She's too big and has problems with walking. Can I do the cereal thing. I'm a senior no money-help. Thank you.
Anonymous asked 9/1/2014 My dog eye is swollen and red and a little puffy I can't take him to the vet tell pay day what can I do to help him?
Anonymous asked 8/29/2014 What does it mean when my dog vomits his water out, doesn't eat, and barely moves and walk? What can I do to help him? He has been like this for three days!I I really don't want to lose my dog so help! He is a year and five months old.
Anonymous asked 8/27/2014 My dog hasn't been eating/drinking for the past 4-5 days, she's been peeing a lot more than usual, and her eyes look like they have a grayish clear coat set right on top. I want to know what's happening to her, so we can try to fix it or if we can at all?
Anonymous asked 8/24/2014 Why is my puppy slobbering out the side of its mouth and moving his head really fast from side to side?
Anonymous asked 8/14/2014 My dog has been kind of limping slightly on her right hind leg. It is slightly swollen. She won't let me touch it to look at it. Is it a possible scorpion bite? Should I take her to the vet? Ps I live in Texas.
Anonymous asked 8/14/2014 My dog is licking like crazy, like he's eating peanut butter. He's trying to eat carpet fibers, blanket fibers, end of his tail. He's thrown up a few times and sometimes, bops around like he's being bit on the butt. Very restless?
Anonymous asked 8/10/2014 My dog is leaking blood from its penis. Its been going on for 2 days and a lot of blood has came out. What do I do?
Monica Cecil asked 8/7/2014 I have a four week old puppy she has fleas, was told seven dust works if you put it on them - does it?
Anonymous asked 7/30/2014 My dog Has been sick on my bedroom floor, And he kind of moves slowly when he follows me around a lot. Help?