Anonymous asked 12/25/2013 My dog is due in ten days but has been bleeding reddish brown blood and looks to have a sack stuck in her.. she does not act as if she is in labor, just running around and then licking her self?
alonzo guadarrama asked 12/25/2013 My dog won't close his left eye and doens't move his left ear. What does that mean?
Anonymous asked 12/17/2013 My dog is 51 days pregnant and suddenly she has a greenish-black discharge, is this the signs of premature delivery?
haley sistrunk asked 12/12/2013 My dog is a black lab mixed with something else. not sure what. she had one puppy two nights ago and it died the next morning. Today she is walking around the yard shaking, straining and pushing. what does this mean. was that the only puppy?
Anonymous asked 12/12/2013 My Blue Pitbull has raised bumps under her fur and looks as if the hair is raised from an irritation on the skin. The bumps have seemed to spread, they're all over her sides, legs and head. when I go to touch her she flinches as if it hurts her?
Anonymous asked 12/3/2013 I have a puppy who is 3 weeks old that hasn't opened his eyes yet, is something wrong?
Anonymous asked 11/28/2013 How do you know if your dog has a heart problem, what symptoms should I look for?
Anonymous asked 11/28/2013 What would happen to my dog if she ate one of my Demerol pills (narcotic) that I dropped and what should I do?
Anonymous asked 11/22/2013 My chihuahua ate lunch meat and he is vomiting, urinating uncontrollably, suffering diarrhea, and is panting. His nose is dry and his head is warm. He does not look good at all .. I do not have the money to take him to a vet, what do I do? Can he die?
Anonymous asked 11/18/2013 My dog is really sick he, has pooped a bright red blood and he vomits and he's not eating. I don't know if we should take him to a vet or not ? please help me!
Dustin Downs asked 11/10/2013 my dog been sick for 3 days! throwing up and not moving around, wont eat food but will drink water! what should I do?