Anonymous asked 2/12/2014 My dog can't walk and is crying in pain about his toe nail, what should I do?
Anonymous asked 2/8/2014 My dog had both her eyes removed in October. About a month ago she had abdominal surgery. Since the last surgery she's disoriented and walks in circles. What can I do?
Barbara Gann asked 2/1/2014 My male chihuahua is acting very weird, like he has anxiety or is worried about something... what's wrong with him?
Anonymous asked 1/30/2014 My dog was hit by a car by mistake, and his back right thigh is injured. I can't seem to tell what is wrong with it. Can anyone tell me what is wrong? He can put weight on it, he just has that hurts look in his eyes...
Anonymous asked 1/29/2014 Why is my shih tzu all of a sudden sitting with his tongue out and he looks like hes smiling?
Anonymous asked 1/27/2014 my miniature schnauzer is shivering, didn't eat tonight and was panting a little earlier. I noticed his nose is dry as well. I can tell he doesn't feel good, but what can it be? I plan on taking him to the vet in the morning.
Hayley Louise Pearson Marshall asked 1/9/2014 My dog is due her puppies today, temp 37.1, no signs of labour, no nesting, no panting, no restlessness, not loss of appetite only thing I have noticed is clear mucus when she pee's, is this normal?
CRISTINA RESEMIUS asked 1/7/2014 My dog can barely walk and is shaking like he's freezing and is real sketch out, he also from time to time can barely get up or even stand on his back legs what's wrong with him?
Anonymous asked 1/6/2014 My dog is a 9 year old big dog. He has 2 massive tumor like bumps underneath his skin on both sides of his body. I don't believe it is from fleas or some sort of bite. I am worried. Please help me and my dog with answers. Should I take him to the vet?
Anonymous asked 1/1/2014 My dog grew a big lump on his back over night and then it turned green. When I applied pressure to it out broke open releasing green mucus. His hair came off and now He has a large open area with just his flesh showing. Does anyone know what this is?
Anonymous asked 1/1/2014 I have a dog who has been looking sad and has his tail down a lot. My parents think he is ok but honestly they don't care. I am worried and don't know what to do?
Anonymous asked 12/29/2013 My dog has been groaning for about a day and a half. He is an Irish Wolfhound and is very healthy. He refuses to stand up or eat, but when he sits straight up he seems to be in less pain. Please help?
Anonymous asked 12/26/2013 My dog is limping and shivering. I couldn't get her up this morning for a walk, and I had to carry her back home. Her back two legs are a little red and swollen. What should I do?