zack leon asked 8/16/2017 I play soccer and I use to be a good defender but after the mental health unit (hospital),and (medication testing),my nerve cells in front toes are sleepy and I was never able to wake them is there any way to wake it up?
Anonymous asked 8/10/2017 So my friend just invited me to go to the movie but i dont have my license yet (its been years) so i feel embarrassed about it. So what should i do? Any advice would be much appreciated
Anonymous asked 8/9/2017 Ive been with this girl for a while. We broke up and i left county. I came back and we still had feelings. But school started and we have no classes together. But i love her and wanna be with her what do i do. I rather advice from a girl too?
Sapphire Ocean asked 8/6/2017 A friend of mine took videos and saved them, of me doing silly things while on vacation. I would like those videos, but I don't know how to ask for them without seeming weird or obsessive. Also, this was a few weeks ago so me asking is very random?
Anonymous asked 7/31/2017 Hi! I'm a 14 year old boy from Houston, Texas and I have a little bump next to my penis. It's kind of embarrassing, but I don't know what it is and I was wondering if anyone could help?
Sapphire Ocean asked 7/25/2017 The mom of my crush said, "I think he's always liked her," to my mom (they're good friends.) But this isn't the first time, she has said it a few times before, but he has not flat out told his mom he likes me. What are the chances she's right?
Anonymous asked 7/18/2017 We were super flirty and everyone who saw us told me he was into me, but later, he never answered my text about getting together. However, he still snapchats me, what does this mean?
Anonymous asked 7/14/2017 I was out with a group and there some games. My crush came up and asked to played cards with me and my twin, does he like me?
zack leon asked 7/10/2017 I came out of the hospital and my front toes are to scared to stand tackle and hit contact with the soccer how to I wake my front toes nerve cells up so I could play defense again.(it kind of sway into another place of front toes)?
Anonymous asked 6/25/2017 What is Justin Bieber phone number I tried to find it nothing but I found out that he changes it?
Anonymous asked 6/15/2017 My boyfriend moved to Texas and my mom wont let me visit, how could I convince her?
Anonymous asked 6/10/2017 Should i break up with my boyfriend. At school he doesn't really talk to me or do much when people are around. I feel like I am "the man" in the relationship and i have to initiate. I don't want to ruin our friendship and leave the memories we've had?
Anonymous asked 6/6/2017 Okay so, I'm twelve years old and ALL of my friends have their period, even my one friend who is younger than me ( only by a few months, but still ) I feel really left out, is there anything that could make mine come sooner?
Anonymous asked 6/2/2017 i just want a quick sprain that will heal in about a week. I am on really bad punishment. I feel like the only way out of this is to sprain my right wrist, I just want quick and easy and something to heal fairly quickly?
Anonymous asked 5/19/2017 my mom is trying to cut my hair,for no reason. my hair is atlease 7 inches,and i have a afro,and she even said that she would braid it,but then says that "young men should have a hair cut",what should i do?