Anonymous asked 10/16/2017 Guy that teases me about being my friend's girlfriend (only known them both for less than a month, so no) called me babe twice today when walking past (within about 10 seconds) why?
Anonymous asked 10/15/2017 I have just recently broke up with my boyfriend who I have been with 2 years 3 months. I'm 19, he's 21. We had a serious relationship. And now there's this man. Who is 28 and likes me so much?
Anonymous asked 10/12/2017 When I go swimming and hold my breath under water.I always float up even though my face is looking down is it because I'm fat or I just don't know stay deep in the water. If yes,how can I stay deep under water?
Anonymous asked 10/10/2017 Some people were talking about me behind my back (literally, at the back of the classroom- I am at the front), and I think someone said I was "mainstream", what would that actually mean? Might it be considered insulting?
Water Nebula asked 9/28/2017 I've gotten a new computer with tons of ram and storage, and a decent wifi signal. Strangely however, I still see extreme lag spikes, and my games often freeze. How can I stop this D:
Anonymous asked 9/28/2017 I'm younger than people online/not in person realize but the point is than I'm feeling very Lonely and don't know what to do... ( also I have never dated or kissed a person before)?
zack leon asked 9/28/2017 I'm a boy how come I have browness. In my underwear after wearing it after 2-3days and how can I stop it?
Anonymous asked 9/26/2017 Always, in my history of having friends of the opposite gender people believe that we're dating. Why is this?
Anonymous asked 9/19/2017 Should I unfollow him on Instagram, things have sorta been distant between us lately. He once liked all my photos, now rarely does. We're not close but we've gone on vacation together with our families, would it be weird because we're "friends?"
Anonymous asked 9/17/2017 my friend thinks he suffers from dissociation, he doesnt have PTSD and hes never been abused. i think he is just confused. anyone know what it might actually be?
Anonymous asked 9/3/2017 In juggling in soccer I kept working with my right and rarely with my left what can I do so it can be exactly normal because I can't notice the same even with same taps?
Anonymous asked 9/2/2017 My mom and my grandma want me to go with them to special bath we have in our country,i really hate those baths, cuz you have to be naked around eachother.Can anyone suggest me how to say no to them without sounding like i don't like their company?
Anonymous asked 8/31/2017 I don't swear. I have strong aversion against it, yet I'm now in high school and i constantly hear the words in my mind. I never say them, but it concerns me that I'm saying it in my head. How can I stop it? (Serious answers, please).
Anonymous asked 8/28/2017 What are the impact of risk behavior including the 4 spheres of well being?
Anonymous asked 8/21/2017 Evaluate and discuss the negative impact of youth risk behaviour on yourself and others (your community or society at large). Refer to the 4 spheres of well-being i.e. social, economic, physical and emotional/mental?
Anonymous asked 8/20/2017 I want to know if am i were-cat or werewolf? My signs: ●get angry fast and run away alone ●Love meat ●Eyes change blue to green ●Dreams on all fours hairy/fangs ●I can run on fours very good for real ●Energy at night ●Love Full moon
Anonymous asked 8/19/2017 evaluate and discuss the negative impact of youth risk behavior on yourself and others (your community or society at large). Refer to the 4 spheres of well being i.e social, economic, physical and emotional/mental?