Anonymous asked 8/15/2016 I have liked this guy for 2 years now, and I havemt told anyone except my "bff" (getting annoyed with her, want a new bff). The girl I really like and want to be be my new bff is dating that guy. what do I do?
Anonymous asked 8/12/2016 My friend has gone through a bad breakup, she's really upset and I have been talking to the guy she broke up with too. She wants closure, and he doesn't feel ready to talk about it yet. I'm trying to help them both and I don't know what to do anymore?
Anonymous asked 8/12/2016 I want to invite a guy FRIEND to my party but don't want him to get the wrong idea, should I invite another guy friend?
Anonymous asked 8/10/2016 all of my other friends have boyfriends or have had and are recently out of relationships, and have had their first proper kiss...and I know it seems weird but I'm really jealous and feel down that I haven't. Is it wrong?
Anonymous asked 8/9/2016 i'm 13 wanted to become a kpop idol. but i wonder can a black girl ever succeed in becoming a kpop idol?? That what scares me the most, i get really scared thinking about this but i don't want this to stand in my way. help
Anonymous asked 8/9/2016 Can a black girl ever succeed in becoming a kpop idol please i need help i always wanted to be a kpop idol and im 13?
Anonymous asked 8/8/2016 Friends trying to force me into a relationship with other friend but I don't like him. Help. I think they might act funny towards me if I reject him?
Mr. Mojo Risin' asked 8/4/2016 Can an ugly or average looking 14 year old male turn good looking or hot?
Anonymous asked 8/3/2016 I'm a sophomore in high school and I'm wondering how to tell my parents that I want to go on dates with a guy I like (he doesn't go to the same school as me but lives in the same town). Thanks in advance!
Anonymous asked 8/3/2016 I'm 14 and average looking but am sex crazed. But yeah I wanna be a good looking player and be in a band like Jim Morrison and I'm obsessed with chicks but don't get them, can I become good looking through puberty?
Anonymous asked 8/1/2016 Should I tell my friends that another one of our friends thinks they are fake?
Aubrey Davis asked 7/31/2016 I am going into a new grade and i need to make friends. I am super shy, low self-confidence, and awkward.I have one friend but she goes to a different school now. I really need friends at my school but i don't know how to. Help??
Anonymous asked 7/26/2016 My daughter continually changes the password after I ask her. Is there a keylogger I can install to keep track of her passwords? I'm hoping for a permanent solution because she uses the laptop for school, plus she could log in on another computer.
Anonymous asked 7/19/2016 I really like this guy and we are almost more than friends. We have met a couple nights just to talk and now he says he wants to "hold my hand" even though we're not that weird? Should I?
Anonymous asked 7/18/2016 I have been talking to this guy for awhile. And we like each other.. My friends don't really approve of him, because of his past. How can I show them that he's changed and he actually respects me?
Anonymous asked 7/16/2016 I haven't left my house in a month.i only see my friends, i dont even walk to school by myself.My parents have plans but they never follow through Should I leave? What would happen? Advice?