Anonymous asked 12/19/2014 Why do most Muslims memorize the whole of the Koran, or at least most of it?
Anonymous asked 12/15/2014 Sometimes I find it quite difficult being a Christian, having to abstain from worldly parties, worldly music, worldly friends while seeing my fellow friends doing all those things and I'm kind of always feeling left out. What should I do?
Megan goodgirl asked 12/6/2014 If Adam and Eve had listened to God would we live in a much better world? Would I be happy for all the things I have?
Jenni Surnette asked 12/6/2014 Does God exsist? Tell me your theories...I personally think he isn't real.0-0
Taylor Brookes asked 12/3/2014 If God is real, why is he helping celebrities get famous but letting all those people in Africa starve? Why would he claim to be a loving God and then create so many hurricanes and tsunamis? Why would he create drugs or alcohol or let children die?
Anonymous asked 10/17/2014 How Many Times Does The Word End day ( Last day, Doom...) Appear In The Bible?
Anonymous asked 10/7/2014 I have failed God and Jesus, and am feeling lost. I thought that I was saved, but am falling apart in thinking that He has left me. I am asking people to pray for me please?