Anonymous asked 7/8/2015 I'm a Catholic and my husband's an athiest. What can I do to open up his mind and heart to Jesus?
Wesley Crusher asked 7/4/2015 What use would gold, silver, and other metals be if there was a collapse? A few people suggested it for the "end times" scenario or the collapse of the USA. But I don't see why anyone would trade food or other necessities for a piece of metal.
Walt O'Reagun asked 7/1/2015 If children are "a gift from God" ... why did God say they were a punishment, for eating from the Tree of Knowledge? --- To the woman He said: “I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception; In pain you shall bring forth children;
Anonymous asked 7/1/2015 Is this all there is to life? What is easier to believe Evolution of Creation?
Anonymous asked 6/30/2015 What comes natural, believing in God our creator, or disbelieving in God? Why do you so answer
Anonymous asked 6/28/2015 I'm Christian but I have been doubting it for a while now.. I believe someone out there is higher but, what gets me thinking if God loves us, why does it say in the bible that gays cannot be together? And that being gay is a sin?
Jaimie JT asked 6/28/2015 If you were to start a religion on your own beliefs, what be the most important of your Ten Commandments?