Storm Gwen asked 6/24/2015 So lately I have been writing in this notebook what my prayers are. Afterwards I feel extremely drained of all my energy. Is that normal?
Max Hiner asked 6/23/2015 How can you find the right spiritual path? I'm an ex-christian searching for another spiritual practice or path. Recently I've been really interested in eastern religion. But I don't know much about it, and it's very complex. Any ideas?
Anonymous asked 6/18/2015 Why do Jehovah's Witnesses say that God has standards people are required to meet? Didn't Jesus cover that?
Taylor Brookes asked 6/18/2015 Did you hear about Tony Miano's tweet saying that he was praying that none of the pagan temples in Nepal would be rebuilt. What do you think of this? What do you think this suggests about the way religions treat each other?
Darik Majoren asked 6/12/2015 If there is no other God above the Abrahamic God, and He knows this, is God an Atheist?
ZombieE Lee asked 6/12/2015 How much of an impact did Persian culture have on Islamic and/or Arabic art?