Johnny Bravo asked 8/20/2016 Is there any biblical quotes, scriptures, paintings or anything describing why Satan is evil?
Johnny Bravo asked 8/20/2016 What is your favorite version of Hell? Mine is the Greek mythology version of Hell with Minotaurs and the river of souls.
Megan goodgirl asked 8/20/2016 Are you happy with your life? or do you want to be rich? and move somewhere else? like a nicer state?
Jaimie JT asked 8/19/2016 If "God " and the "devil" were playing poker who would win ..:in your opinion and why ?
Anonymous asked 8/17/2016 Christianity and Judaism believe the sacred goes beyond human existence, making them religions of __________?
Call me Z asked 8/11/2016 If you had absolute control over everything that happened tomorrow, how would it go?
Roy Roy asked 8/10/2016 If you could only choose one, which would you rather have every day for the rest of your life: Great health, great wealth or great friendships?
Roy Roy asked 8/8/2016 When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?