Anonymous asked 9/6/2016 The message of reformist ministers during the great awakening held special appeal to... A: Those established in the ministry B: Those typically excluded from traditional Protestantism C: The nobility D: Southern Plantation owners?
otis campbell asked 9/2/2016 If someone offered u a job as the executioner in a texas prison would you take it?
Nicole Ashley asked 9/2/2016 What are your beliefs? I believe in us as souls in a human experience. I also believe in parallel worlds. I guess I would fit in with hippies haha
Anonymous asked 9/1/2016 I was just thinking about religion and beliefs since I was curious about afterlife and came to the conclusion that don't people follow God just for the reward of it and self-will?
Mountain Man asked 9/1/2016 What is something you have at least 2 or 3 of around, but still don't seem to have enough of? For me it is reading glasses and tape measures.
Anonymous asked 8/30/2016 My mum done ouija board and asked who she would marry, and it came true. It was the exact name. What does it mean?
Didge Doo asked 8/25/2016 If life were a supermarket, how likely is it that YOU would get the trolley with the wonky wheel?
Perry Nuttal asked 8/24/2016 Why do we call priests and the Pope father, when in the bible it says not to call anyone on earth Father? Matt 23:9 I called my dad, Father would this being going against Gods word?
Jann Nikka asked 8/24/2016 Man went ordered a cake, he called back within 3 hours, cancelled the cake, the owner refused to cancel the order. Owner called, texted and researched the customer. Customer again said I don't want the cake. Owner sued for cake $70, court cost $145 and $80 for storing the cake 90 days til he could get in court. Judge Milan gave the owner $70 and she said the customer had no right to cancel the cake. What do you think?