Roy Roy asked 7/29/2016 What future moment in you life would you most like to have a photo of to look at now?
EBBe lau asked 7/26/2016 Things that annoy you? To me it's when I hold the door open for someone and they don't say thanks. Like, I USED MY ARM MUSCLES FOR YOU, I DESERVE A THANKS 😂
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 7/23/2016 In "Green Eggs and Ham," it turns out he does like them! What's something you like that you thought you wouldn't? It doesn't have to be food.
Perry Nuttal asked 7/23/2016 Why did the God of the Israelites choose circumcision as a sign of his covenant? Has it anything to do with phallic worship?
Ty Hibb asked 7/22/2016 What steps need to be taken to become a Christian? So many people say that they are a Christian or are accused of being one, which raises the question.