Kai Duchesne asked 3/20/2015 I think I know a psychopath. He's 13 (so am I), he dreams about laughing and killing people, he says he wants to grow up to be an assassin and today he confessed he wanted to actually kill someone. How do I stop him from hurting anyone?
Nikki Ridgerider asked 3/16/2015 My guy friend and I were jokingly arguing and he said, "Just kidding, I love you Nikki." (after that we separated because we were buying lunch). I'm not one to throw around the word love; what does this mean? Do people say it so casually?
Anonymous asked 3/16/2015 I'm 13 (14 in November) and I'm about 4ft 11in and I weigh 4 st 9lbs I hate it and want to get down to 3st 5lb. Is this unhealthy / anorexic ??
Anonymous asked 3/15/2015 I think out loud literally! But I have my mouth closed, but people can still hear me and it's becoming a problem?
Awesome Autumn asked 3/9/2015 Has anyone ever been in a situation they thought they couldn't get through, but did?
Darling Divaa asked 3/5/2015 Do you have any pet peeves about yourself that you would change if you could?
Taylor Brookes asked 2/28/2015 I'm going to college in September, and I want it to be a fresh start. I've also wanted to change my name for a long time. Should I change it before going to college, or wait until after I leave?
Anonymous asked 2/24/2015 My parents don't take me seriously when I talk about mental disorders I think I have, how can I earn respect/see a doctor?
Anonymous asked 2/21/2015 My boss says I need to ask more questions, I am not sure what they mean by this? What am I suppose to ask?
Anonymous asked 2/21/2015 I like a girl who is committed to academic life. She is insecure about love matters and ignores me when things get intimate.Her "ignoring" makes me feel bad to the point that I stopped caring.The big problem is that I still love her! What shall I do?
Anonymous asked 2/11/2015 I'm 15 and my boyfriend is 22, we are in a long distance relationship and won't do anything sexual till I'm at least 18. He doesn't want to pressure me into anything. We both love each other. Is it still wrong?
Anonymous asked 1/31/2015 Is it embarrassing for a straight male to want to take a contemporary and also musical theater dance classes? I want to take dance classes this semester, and I know it’s stupid to feel this way but I'm worried it could be seen as too feminine.
Anonymous asked 1/28/2015 I am homeless, jobless, no money. M.a. in public service & B.A. in visual art. Unemployed 19 months. No friends/family to turn to. I don't know what I'm supposed to do going forward. I need advice on how to move forward?
Anonymous asked 1/21/2015 I'm 13, how can I become a nudist and go to a nudist beach without my parents knowing?
Anonymous asked 1/19/2015 I just had a miscarriage. It was 10 weeks when it happened and my partener and I had sex that same night. I only bled for like 2 days but it has now stoped. Can I be pregnant again?