Rachel Reader asked 7/19/2015 People laugh at me when I tell them I'm 21 because I have a young looking baby type face. Are they laughing to be rude or are they just surprised? I still prefer to enjoy family friendly stuff it's what I feel comfortable in.
Frederick Fisk asked 7/17/2015 Are you aware of Tinnitus? Do you have it? Most importantly - do you know how to treat it?
Anonymous asked 7/16/2015 I've had a lot of time to think, and all I think about is suicide.. I actually had a dream that I killed myself. I woke up crying but I was pissed because I was still alive. Help me... Please?
Anonymous asked 7/15/2015 If you got a written letter from your church that you require discipline about a behavior pattern and might not be welcome back if you cannot correct it (like confessing to your pastor you are crushing on him) how would you respond?
Anonymous asked 7/12/2015 I am a constant lier and am about to lose my whole family. How do I stop lying. It is like second nature to me. I need help?
Khauri Stewart asked 7/11/2015 How do you know if people are controlling you. Because I feel like my family is controlling me too much. I feel happier doing my own thing?
Anonymous asked 7/10/2015 I am a Pakistani girl, and I am in my 30s. I have been told by many people that my breast is larger than the average size or even more! I just want to know what is the measuring scale which tells whether the size of the breast is normal, small, large?
Anonymous asked 7/9/2015 This didn't help me at all whatsoever because I'm so tired of being so tall. I just want to be short and stop growing and that will change my life and I will be happy for once, that's it.
Roy Lovett asked 7/8/2015 I seem like a happy guy but I've actually been pondering suicide lately.. I'm not sure what to do.. I tried to trick myself into being happy ;/ Told myself I was but truth is, I'm not?
Cindee Forks asked 7/7/2015 Is there like a book or online page or something where you can find records from your ancestry?