Anonymous asked 8/10/2015 Is it okay if you've been touched by more than one guy in your life? I don't mean like 10guys! But maybe 3? What if you were caught up in the moment?
Subhradeep Biswas asked 8/10/2015 How to be happy? Having no friends in real life? Online friends only :3 . And I always feel alone .
Nadahmk Nadahmk asked 8/9/2015 I'm so quiet and deep, I think of everything profoundly. I'm an 18 year old girl , but I never have the interests of other girls my age. I have a lot of dreams, how do I start making them come true?
Khauri Stewart asked 8/9/2015 At what age are you able to make your own decisions? i am 19 and I feel like I am being controlled way to much by my mom and by my family?
Jack Wikby asked 8/8/2015 I have a problem. I took my sisters iPod and got three pictures of pretty women. I told my parents I didn't get those pictures but I did. We are going camping on Monday and if I tell them it will be ruined. I already ask the lord to forgive me. Help?
Anonymous asked 8/8/2015 Is it weird that I sit in rooms that is dark and stare at people through windows?
Anonymous asked 8/7/2015 Is it normal to not feel yourself cum? Like I can feel the build up and then the feeling is just gone? I also don't feel it when he comes inside of me?? Is it normal??
Anonymous asked 8/5/2015 I am planning on gaining more weight. I am 13 years old, 5"6 tall, 110lbs and my dress size is 2. Should I stay this weight or try to gain?
Anonymous asked 8/4/2015 Is it good to not want to be popular because I really don't want to be popular?
Basketball Lover asked 8/4/2015 What do you do when you're in one of those moods where you're so frustrated and pissed that you want to go on top of an isolated hill and scream at the top of your lungs? (But there is no such hill around.)
Violet rayne asked 8/3/2015 Got into a bind, moved in with a couple, now they treat me like their servant and yell at me even though I help pay bills. What should I do?
Dakota Mackenzie asked 8/1/2015 What is one thing you would do if you lived alone? (Something you can't really do now anyway)
Dakota Mackenzie asked 7/29/2015 I have been depressed and stopped eating normally. My ribs show more than what I am comfortable with, I'm not anorexic just pretty thin. When I stand up, I feel weak and I get tired easily, even by doing a simple task. Help?
Anonymous asked 7/29/2015 I am a full time dancer and once in the toilets after I'd been and I was waiting for my mother, I was dancing and a lady thought I needed to "pass water" so how do I dance without looking like I need to "go"?