Anonymous asked 6/22/2015 Is meth really that bad as they say it is? I have tweaked out a few times and it was like hot as hell why are people so scared of ice? Do they fear their own weakness because it's all good?
Mark J. Hammond asked 6/4/2015 The dentist told me that I got an infection under my gums! Should I get this deep cleaning done? Would flossing help get a rid of this?
Anonymous asked 6/3/2015 I tested positive for marijuana on a urine test (for work). I do not smoke nor am I around anyone that does. I am on multiple medications. Are there drugs that would cause a false positive?
Anonymous asked 5/26/2015 I have a very loose tooth. It's just hanging but it still attached to the nerve and it hurts. What do I do?
Irene Jessica asked 5/21/2015 People can be addicted to sun because of a substance called endorphins, but what are the specific functions of endorphins?
Nassy Nascarnut asked 5/17/2015 Should marijuana be legalized in all states in the u.s.a.? Please elaborate.
Nostalgic Minds asked 5/6/2015 Took 15mg blue Adderall pill and now I can't sleep. It was not prescribed and I feel fine, more relaxed, but I can't sleep - it's 2am. How long will the effects last and how can I maintain drowsiness at school afterwards?
Anonymous asked 5/4/2015 My Dr. ordered a blood test to check my cholesterol,etc. I used meth today. How long will it take to NOT show up in the blood work?
Elory Chihuahua asked 4/19/2015 On the toilet I felt my poop coming out, heard it go in the toilet but can't see it. This has happened twice. Does it mean anything?
Rose Fasano asked 4/3/2015 Last night I dreamt that a guy I know left me an envelope with a tooth in it?