Anonymous asked 10/11/2015 Hi, I have this slightly deep cut in my mouth. It's by the back of my mouth,front of the gum under my bottom row of teeth. It doesn't bleed and can be be pulled open slightly with ease. It is extremely painful when eating and talking though. Help?
Fiore Fenneway asked 9/21/2015 I usually wake every day with a severe migraine, and they usually occur/come back 2-4 times per day. Even with the strongest medication I can take, they still come back. Should I go to my doctor about this?
zzayla zzayla asked 9/18/2015 Desperately searching for a reason why I am so tired, all the time, I could sleep 24 hrs a day, energy supplements don't work, thyroid is fine. Please help need suggestions to get these drs. Moving along?
Hello There asked 9/16/2015 What is a Movie/TV Show/Book that has some new medicine or tech that everyone uses, but then they find out it's very dangerous? It's for HW, I need to make a connection.
Elory Chihuahua asked 9/16/2015 A tooth is growing in the wrong place and it hurts. How can I soothe it a little?
terri freeze asked 8/28/2015 I have a white slime covering the white clot where teeth were pulled. The slime comes off after rinsing but white clot still there. Is this normal?