Hailey Hofsteadter asked 3/17/2015 I have a really sore throat and this is the 5th day out of school and I have tried cough drops, honey, aspirin, and this really nasty red liquid. What should I try next?
colleeen lyden colleen asked 3/12/2015 I had a CAT scan done on Tuesday morning. Drank two bottles of the banana contrast and a half a cup at the place. I received the blue dye in a IV. How long does it take to leave the body?
Anonymous asked 3/11/2015 Over-The-Counter ED Medications? I can't currently afford a visit to the Doctor to be prescribed a prescription medicine to treat my condition, which is Erectile Dysfunction. What over the counter medicine is best for helping achieve an erection?
Anonymous asked 2/24/2015 I need to get rid of self harm scars. I have bio oil and limes. Which one works best and are there any other home remedies that work. Pls let me know thank you. (need them gone 2 week max)?
Anonymous asked 1/29/2015 I am 20 yrs. My problem is that my periods stays around for about a mont, and more than that. I would like to know what sort of problem I have and what should I do to get rid of it?
Anonymous asked 1/29/2015 Symptoms are shortness of breath, hard or bloated stomach, lack of appetite. no apparent pain. what could be the cause?
Megan goodgirl asked 1/10/2015 I have to go to the doctor on Monday. Soon I'll get my wisdom teeth out but I'm nervous. I've never had surgery. I'm afraid of going under. What if something bad happens? I'm really scared just by thinking of this. Will I be alright?
tariq tariq asked 12/26/2014 I take dicloran disperlet 50 mg in water (mixed) in the moning. After taking it I feel a burden in my stomach. What should I do?
Anonymous asked 12/2/2014 What will happen if I take 180mg of Remeron 60mgs of Prozac and 70mg of Zyprexa?
marcella jones asked 11/28/2014 Considering the density of liquid methadone, how many cc's would be equivalent to 100 mg of liquid methadone?
Anonymous asked 10/22/2014 Serum for cholesterol testing (healthy individual) screening requires which proper shipping name or marking on the outer materials to comply with the IATA regulations?