Abbie Walker asked 12/24/2017 Is this a false widow spider? Are they dangerous? Because I've heard both sides, apparently they're not and that they're harmless and apparently they can cause life threatening bites. Picture:
Donald Trump's Hair Is Lovely asked 5/16/2017 Holy June bug out there! (I still say May bug is more appropriate) What would you say are your top two most repulsive insects?
Jada Shakira Webster asked 1/19/2017 Have you ever tried to imagine tasting with another part of your body? (like a butterfly) It's really hard isn't it xD
Johnny Bravo asked 10/18/2016 What bug is this (read comment. Sorry for low quality, had to zoom in because, its pretty small)?
Alice X. R. asked 9/9/2016 Update: Okay so we figured out why baby Oliver (my pet tarantula) is running away from his food. He is apparently getting ready to molt! I am very happy because that means he's growing up! Just thought I'd give you an update! Thanks!~ Alice X.R?
Alice X. R. asked 9/7/2016 I'm really worried... does anyone know what some reasons could be for a baby chaco tarantula to run away from its food? I tried both live and dead baby crickets but he just got really spooked... can someone help?!
Rooster Cogburn asked 8/11/2016 I usually have Bees, Ants and Yellow Jackets all Summer. Hardly seen any of them but I've been killing Black Widows left and right. Just killed three more this morning from an old planter. Makes 32. How has the insect population been in your area?
Water Nebula asked 7/25/2016 I just released a moth from my house in Colorado. What species is it? It had a huge wingspan, dark brown on it's dorsal side, and with black and white patterns with a little red on the ventral side. When resting, it resembled a right-angled triangle
HappyTo BeHereTo asked 5/23/2016 I had to pull a tick out of my hair! 😠What insect do find the most annoying? What insect do you think is really cool?
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 1/20/2016 Anyone have ideas about keeping ants out of hummingbird feeders?