Anonymous asked 7/21/2013 I just saw the weirdest looking bug that had 4 brown flags for wings, what is it?
Anonymous asked 6/12/2013 Had a butterfly land on on my shoulder at work. It would flutter in my ear for hours, it was black with orange wings. Today I saw a shadow of it behind me on a wall, and the veins on my left side of my body turned dark purple. This has never happened before, what is going on?
Ita Makalun asked 8/3/2012 What bug is this: It's round and black with six legs and a tiny white spot on the end of it?
Addilynn All Star asked 7/28/2011 Ever Killed A House Fly? Theres a fly been hovering around me for hours and its getting annoying , dnt wanna ninja chop it , im not in the mood , any normal ways of getting rid of the pest? (widows are open!)
Ray Dart asked 7/14/2011 Why is it that just after I have repainted the white cladding at the front of my house, every insect in the area considers it necessary to commit hara-kiri on it?
taylor asked 6/9/2011 How do you stop bleeding on your ear? I got a mosquito bite and I scratched it so much I got a scab on the top part of my ear. I picked the scab off and it won't stop bleeding. Should I put a huge plaster on it?