Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 7/5/2015 What do to about no-see-ums (or otherwise known as.... biting midgets, sand flies ) while dining outside?
Megan goodgirl asked 5/28/2015 Why is it after a bee stings you the bee dies? Is its purpose to die after it stings a human?
Bella Bella asked 9/6/2014 Help! I found ONE Subterranean Termite! It was not inside my house, but I was painting and I found it! Does this mean there is more?? I killed it though, just in case.
Sherri Leonard asked 7/21/2014 Strangest spider I have ever seen, the body and legs were about the size of a half dollar. the body was almost white and the legs were orange with black joints, the head was black. What was the spider, and if it's dangerous, how can I go about removing it from my home?