Virginia Lou asked 10/25/2016 Do you think there are energy centers called CHAKRAS along the human spinal column, as in Traditional Chinese Medicine? And if so, do you have any personal experience with your own chakra system? Disclosure: I am biased here because I am already convinced the chakra system is authentic, but am interested in learning the experience/opinions of others...
Water Nebula asked 10/22/2016 How to recover from a cold quickly? It's the first day of fall break and I'm sick ;-;
Anonymous asked 10/13/2016 I am a teen girl and have a cyst or something on my bum. It really itches and has been there for about a month now. Does anyone know what this could be?
otis campbell asked 10/1/2016 I have desitan on one part of my body and liniment on the other . What do i smell like??
Jen Jen asked 9/19/2016 I have Hepatocellular Disease, I don't drink, i don't use illegal drugs.I had a stroke,seizures,graves disease, hyster ,in 5 years.Would the meds worsen my liver? I am worried. I have no infections,so is it Cancer? Is it a genetic disease too?
dragonfly forty-six asked 7/6/2016 I spent the afternoon in the hospital with an allergy reaction to a sulfa medication. Do you have a food or medication allergy?
Zack - Mr. GenXer asked 6/29/2016 You steal the cure for all kinds of cancer. Who gets the cure first and how?
Anonymous asked 6/17/2016 I have an awful sounding cough that is one rough cough over and over again, do you have any idea what it is?