Anonymous asked 7/29/2017 I have lupus, lukemia, arthritis, heart disease and diabetes in my family. My monocytes are 1.2, is this high?
zack leon asked 7/7/2017 I have leg fatigue but whenever I eat and work I get full energy but when I sit in a car ride to the park or somewhere else (and the sun is hot and my leg feels relaxed) I'm slow and my legs feel hot cramps because it's relaxed how come?
zack leon asked 6/26/2017 i have schizophrenia and i exprience delusions,hallucination,anxiety, and depression. but for some reason i get different symptoms of anxiety but worst of all i feel like i want to be hit and/or screamed at so i can face reality what happening to me?
zack leon asked 3/28/2017 Why does my teeth feel sensitive and painful,fragile when eating ice cream i eat alot of gum usually spearmint or watermelon a pack a day. what's causing the teeth to hurt that way?
Maria Divina Julian asked 2/12/2017 If you were to redesign human eye for better adaptation, what it would look like and why?
Rylee Love asked 2/2/2017 My son is two and still isn't sleeping thought the night How do I get him sleep all thought the night?
Jada Shakira Webster asked 1/25/2017 I keep biting my lip when I eat and now there's a lump or two on it. How can I get this to stop?
Anonymous asked 1/15/2017 I have had a uti for almost a month and recently got meds. My gut, still, has been bloated and hurts when pressed against, this normal? I am nauseous. The doctor was fast and didn't press on my abdomen.
Idek momo or something asked 12/25/2016 my kitty which I picked up on the street and has been here for a month and a half scratched me, its not that deep but it drew blood, its been two weeks, am I going to die?
Anonymous asked 12/17/2016 21 and have a regular pulse of about 40. Doctor doesn't let me exercise and heartbeat is feeble most of the time. Have to get pacemaker or will probably die in the next year. How can I live like this?
Anonymous asked 12/1/2016 What is Epilepsy?choose which ever you want- Epilepsy should not be considered a stigmata in the society. People with epilepsy can lead a very normal life with regular medications, proper sleep and avoiding overindulgence of alcohol.
Anonymous asked 11/29/2016 When schizophrenia has a symptom disorganized speech what does it mean is there medecine for it?
Yevonda Bell asked 11/24/2016 What is the normal range of metamyelocyte? Mine was 1.7% and myelo of 1.7% ABS Neut 19.46. ABS Lymph 1.58 and ABS Mono 0.79 Thous/ul Not sure what this all means. Thanks Yevonda