Dom kuster Domkuster asked 8/25/2015 I have a hard dime size lump /ball I'm my cheek by my chin, it does not hurt except when I press on it. I can move it around. What could It be? Should I see my doctor? I've had it for at least year, I'm 15.
Firstname Refreshme lastname asked 8/21/2015 Are nurses allowed to flush out impacted wax in ear canals?
Anonymous asked 8/15/2015 My uncle found out his kid had pinworms and just got back from visiting him. My butt has been itching & it's driving me nuts. I think I have them. I don't want to tell anyone though. How do I get rid of them without mess or telling? Please help I'm going nuts.
N. Harmonik asked 8/9/2015 Why are some people more afraid of medicine than illnesses? Myths stating that mercury in vaccines causes autism continue to persist along with many others, after all.
laura fernando asked 8/6/2015 I began suffering extreme headaches with other symptoms (such as loss of speech, confusions, vertigo, loss of sight & seizures that landed me in the hospital. '. MRI, shows white mass in frontal lobe. I'm now 45 (female) with no diagnosis?
wayne cook asked 8/5/2015 Not smoked for 18 months. Swelling in my feet up to my knees,doctors say all is well. Have to wear compression stockings ..3 stone heavier on same diet.....find it hard to run and do exercise like I used to?
Anonymous asked 8/1/2015 I have pain above my private area whenever I cough, and can also feel it in my testicles. It is pretty painful, does anyone know what this may be?EDIT: Thank you to every one who answered my question :)
brandon brandon asked 7/31/2015 Hi, I am 19 years old and have a normal diet. This morning I saw a red streak in my stool. Can that be the ketchup I had on my two burgers from yesterday?
Alize Townsend asked 7/30/2015 Does anyone else get super bad diarrhea the day after taking some bumps? Is there anything you can do about it or is it just the price you have to pay?
Anonymous asked 7/27/2015 So I've been having a little blood in my poop when it comes out too hard, for like two or three months. I've been very gassy, my lower abdomen has been hurting on and off for a while now. But I also am having a pregnancy scare. Any help?
Anonymous asked 7/26/2015 Nothing can be done for the numbness in my arms and legs (age & diabetes) can anything help the annoyance?
Anonymous asked 7/25/2015 A healthy 40 y/o female pharmacist suddenly developed life-threatening osteomelitis in her hip. She spent 2 weeks in the ICU and 6 weeks in the hospital after that. She said the doctors think it is from shaving her legs. Does this sound plausable?
Chewed Bubblegum asked 7/23/2015 What causes hiccups? I'm having a *hiccup* spasm right now *hiccup* and it got me thinking...*hiccup*
Chewed Bubblegum asked 7/22/2015 I know you guys aren't doctors, but whenever I get up, my eyesight goes black/really fuzzy. It's really hard to see and my head feels light too. What could be a cause of this? I'm always hydrated by the way!
Anonymous asked 7/22/2015 I'm a 35 year old, female with chronic lower back pain. Now my entire body hurts to be touched, hurts wearing clothes, my scalp hurts as well and I am really emotional and weepy and in major pain. What is wrong with me?