We come in all shapes and sizes, I'd say there is no such thing as normal or not. I'm 7 inches when fully erect, my girlfriend always comments on how big she thinks I am, when we love, she says that I feel like I'm too big for her. So its relative to the woman, … Read more
I'd wear em if my girlfriend asked me to. I think she would never force the issue, on occassion she took a few pair of my lo-rise briefs and wore them for a little while to show me how my underwear fit her. It is a big turn on for me, I love to wear … Read more
I agree with most of the comments, I believe that if a nongay heterosexual man is secure enough with himself he could wear panties if he wants to. I don't wear panties, I have a collection of lo-rise briefs, string bikini, and Jockstrapthong, and a few pair of the "thong" underwear. My favorites are Jockey, … Read more
It seems to be the trait with immediate family members. Ever notice how unhappy and miserable greedy people are? They look down on people like me, I've worked hard to support my family, started full time plus with no regrets. I've always tried to live by sharing everything that I was earning, and I've learned … Read more