Depends for what did you have in mind for him, hmmmm?
It figures that a biker would ask this stupid question. Do/did you also find a possible mate at your relatives wedding? LIKE MINDS-YOU mean in-bred diseased minds! Sick!
Lightly hit his toe with a hammer!
"I want to know, if in the future, will I be successful in love?"
Do you wash with sulphur? Do you take sulphur drugs? Do you bath regularly? If the answer to the 1st 2 are no and the 3rd is yes then the only other response is the last guy you had sex with was Beelzebub (just kidding)1
If your not kidding then go see a doctor VERY … Read more
Its the safety/feel safe/hugging thing. Personally, I think its better with a real person!
Perhaps a paper route. Help the elderly in your neighborhood w/ chores. Be a gardeners helper. Do chores around the house to get an allowance etc.
Either your no longer in love (or your married too long)!