Yes , what state do you live in ? Once you have claimed bankruptcy and you declared this debt on your ch7 and the judge discharged this then they cannot harass you . The best way to deal with this is to send a certified letter to the company and refer them to your attorney … Read more
You can try tea tree oil, there are a lot of products out there that contain tea tree oil, or simply try this recipe .... One cup of real mayonnaise with one ripe mashed banana mix well and apply to hair dry or wet let sit for about 5min and wash hair out with a … Read more
The 50s, or a Arabic them , a costume party would be fun .
Per = thru, la=feminine for the ,mia=my or mine, famigila= family . Sounds to me like they want to run something by their family
I can assure you olive oil does not work ! Go to your pharmacy and buy the treatments if you can not afford this go to your health department and they will provide you with the treatments or a voucher to do so.trying olive oil will only prolong the cycle and will increase infestation
Could be your lymph nodes or could be a calcium spur , best bet is to see your physician
Someone once told me luon would do the trick unless the floor was seriously unlevel
Yes, and sometimes it is done on purpose by someone who has domesticated the coyote
It depends on the situation , if you have damaged the apt or left unpaid rent then they can , and if you broke your lease before it was up they can with hold the deposit , however if none of the above is the case then I would go over your lease with a … Read more
No. Unless you have cosigned for this debt
Could be a cross of a writing spider and an orb spider but if you google spiders that are idiginous to that area you might get your answer
Depends on the situation sometimes 7 days sometimes 10 but your bank should let you know just how long that its going to take unless other wise directed through a court or government agency.
Sometimes the car speakers wires can become separated from the magnet I would try getting access to the speaker and checking to see if that is what happened if so just reattach and wala.
First thing I always do is say there are people out there who have it far worse than I then I say prayers for those folks , I surround myself with positive things and people , the first rule is try to remember if there is nothing that you can do about the situation at … Read more
I don't think I would try this one myself , I would find a licensed electrician to this work junction boxes can be trickery and if your asking this question for your own junction box I would venture to say play it safe and call an electrician or a local handyman that is certified for … Read more
Try vinegar and hot water , I would also recommend researching as to why she is doing this , if she is house broken she could have a problem , if she's not house broke better get to work or find a suitable trainer.
Yes, the rule of thumb has been ten days in ten days out which unfortunately means ,she could be in heat for awhile before showing any real signs such as bleeding . Mainly before she starts to bleed she might move her tail to the side or want to go outside a lot she also … Read more
Actually , dogs age 7 years to one human yr and cats age 10yrs to one human yr , the vet should be able to determine the animals age by its teeth
The above answers are all correct but they can also have a smell to the ear , I would have your vet check and clean his ears because this can cause your cat to lose there hearing if left untreated.
Uh , stop wasting time on blurt it and get her to a vet !