Seaseme Stree 100% lol, it taught me sooooo many core values in my life... Like the alphabet and counting to 8! Snuffy rocks!
She got arrested because of some economic problem... I'm not sure exactly what
Its the song Rehab.. I don't really like that song but you probably don't care =D
Best buy. Has all the Seasons 1-9 my mom has all of em. Plus they come with a little book or whatever with them..
A group called the Janjaweed is attacking the nomadic people, and now the people are rebelling. Besides, Sudan's government is corrupt and the government can't control all that goes on. It also doesn't help that their government is taking sides between the nomads and the janjaweeds. They have no outstretched hand over the region and … Read more
Electrons have a negative charge in an atom, and they are in orbit around the nucleus. The number of valence electrons (the number of electrons in the outer orbital) lets the atom combine with other elements that want more valence electrons. I also believe that the number of valence electrons of an element determine what … Read more
I Love My Boyfriend And His Mother Is Getting Too Much Involved In Our Relatinship What Should I Do?
My mom is always asking me about what girl I'm going out with... What does she look like, what kind of person is she, blah blah blah... I wouldn't read to much into it. If he really likes you then I think your fine, and as boris said she just doesn't want him to be … Read more
I'm the opposite, if i have a set time to be somewhere i am there usually always on time or early. I like to be early though because if you already there before everyone else you can have some time to yourself to do whatever... Listen to ur i-Pod, wander around, whatever you feel.
I … Read more
MY favorite word would have to be Juxstaposed..To place side by side, especially for comparison or contrast. It just sounds funny..