Hahaha, all these answers have made me laugh. I've noticed that the people that think the silly bandz are made of condoms, have some weird grammer haha. Well I don't know. I personally don't wear them, they seem useless.
Well I'm a pretty unique person. I can be random at times. I'm very sweet. Friends? i don't have a lot but the ones that I do have, mean the world to me (:
I'm 16,Junior at FHS :D
i lovee MUSIC :D
I'm single, looking for someone. but i feel like theres no one right now :\
Love? has not really gone good for me :(
I have not had a nice experience...I had one heartbreake, and i learned from that one, though he stlil talks to me, but yeah i still keep my head up high..i'm a women w\ a lot of pride :D