I do not believe that the salt works very well. I hate to say this but if your wife did not change her eating habits and has still been eating greasy and or fatty foods your body can GROW another gallbladder. Are these the same symptoms she was having before her removal? I hope this … Read more
Yes they can , you need to go through your family and children services of your state if you are protesting that the child is yours. It may cost you about 50 to 200 dollars but a lot of the times if you go through DFACS they will do it for free. Also you can … Read more
If you are using it on a regular basis and you don't feel like getting up and doing anything without it then you are addicted. You could be a functional addict witch means you can still go on with your daily activates and work. Some addicts can not even get started with there day without … Read more
If you are a little girl that has not started her period yet you need to talk to a health care provider or a friend or your parents. It is not unatural for a girl to be 15 or 16 before you start your period. Now if you are an adult and have a boyfriend … Read more
Nylon brushes, before that they used bores hair witch would fall about and break down. Glad I could help Good Luck
Some people over react yes Mrsa is a very serious infection to the person that has it. I have been a nurse for 15 years, I was also a caregiver to my father that has it. The only way to contract the infection is blood to blood contact and that means air can not touch … Read more
You will be fine all is shows is if you have opioids in your system and both of them are opioids. They want be able to tell the difference
I have been a nurse for 15 years there is no product that can clean your urine or blood for a drug test. Sorry the only thing that works is time.
Most likely you will have to get a universal remote you can get one at the dollar store for 10.00 they have a code for the name brand of the t.v. And the v.c.r. So you can program your channels and have a remote for the t.v. And v.c.r.
I really don't want to answer this question but chatter is right I am a nurse, you can't get pregnant while you are on your period. You could but it is very unlikely. Your body is cleaning out the egg and the uterus's readiness for a baby with your period so it is very unlikely … Read more
You have to have a bachelor's degree in early childhood development education. It usually takes four years, people have done it in three. If you just want to be a parapro(someone who helps the teacher) I think all you have to have is a high school diploma but the money is not there they get … Read more
I have heard of a coffing blanket that goes on the coffing at the funerial home. The long line of flowers on the casket. But I don't know if that is what they are refering to
Just because you are big, does not mean you are not beautiful, and if you are happy with your weight and it is not making you have health problems , screw people talking about lossing your weight.yes exircise is important but some women don't have a choice in being large thyroid problems keeps thousands of … Read more
One suggestion is to start drinking more water that can be a sign of dehidration, also it could be caused my medication you are taking. Anxiety meds can cause what you call cotton mouth, or dry mouth. If you already drink plenty of water and are not on any type of meds I would ask … Read more
I used to have friends like you are talking about, friends are suppose to be there for you, just like you are there for them. If your friends are not showing you the same friendship you give them it is time to find new friends. Friends are suppose to help boust your confidence and help … Read more
All I know that you can do is call the Better Buisness Beurua in your city and make a formal complaint. If you know these other people that they have taken money from get them to file a complaint as well. If it is money they have taken or services not provided you may also … Read more
I don't understand this, this is the second question like this today. Tell your daughter she is beautiful. Models have to be over 6' or they don't get jobs. Tall women are beautiful women. If there is a growth problem that needs to be decided by a Dr. Please do not use any herbal or … Read more
You can go to school to be a photographer, a degree would help you in landing jobs, but if you know camera and you know film and know about contrast of light and shadow, In other words if you are a good photographer have a good potfolio and go out job hunting. If they want … Read more
Only something to add to all the above , all of it is true, but as your children age, don't be scared to be a parent, if your kids get mad at you so what, you have to be the parent, they will get over it. Parent , first and then friend. And steady love
Or you can try you tube