Are you serious?
His last name was PAN.
There you go.
God wanted to destroy a land of 'mega-sinners' and an angel was sent to save certain people from the place and the angel told lots wife not to =look back and she did. Instantly she turned to a pillar of salt.
In the bible, she isn't named
When someone gets behind you and pulls your pants right up your butt! [=
The word christian means "follower of christ" a cristian, i know this.Adam was created from the dust of the Earth, and Eve was created after(from one of Adam's ribs)
I personally wouldn't want to marry someone in prison but I know it can be done
I don't actually know, HOWEVER, the best thing to do is go to the vets as soon as possible even if it doesnt seen serious. It is the BEST thing to do.