It sounds like hair balls. When cats clean themselves they take in an inordinate amount of hair. Go to your local pet store and get some elixer for hair balls. If this doesn't work then take her to the vet.
The previous answer is partially correct. In all most all jurisdictions a reasonable notice of vacancy is required, usually 30 days. This is to get your deposit back as long as there is no damage. Remember without adequate notice the landlords has a right to recovery of his/her losses which could entail more than the … Read more
Lake Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine and Pharmacy in Erie, PA
It is a common practice to leave staples on the inside incision to strengthen the cut so as not to cause tearing of the tissue and a general weakening of the area that was cut.
Go to the links section of and there you'll find a link so that you can ask a vet or vet tech a question for a few dollars.
It sounds like a cold. I used to use children's cough medicine in small doses and I seemed to work. Best bet is go to the vet and let him have a good look.
She may be sleeping a lot because as cats get older they seem to "rest" more. My best advice is to take her to the vet and have her checked out. If there is a reason other than age he could put her down. Otherwise enjoy her last days or months. As long as she … Read more
It would be a mixed breed with characteristics of both. But a pure Siamese only comes from the mating of two Siamese cats.
Sounds like a visit of the vet is in order. Sounds like a bad case of the worms.
Get your cat to a vet immediately. It sounds serious especially the breathing and its back legs weak.