It has been canceled! I was really upset to hear that!
Xbox 360
Not really, I just don't want him to make chooses, based off his belief .
Like what most people are saying, 12 or 13. I got started mine a few months before I turned 13. But it's not the same with everyone.
Not really, for some reason I don't trust it. I know dumb right? But I don't like the wait. I like walking around, and looking at the clothes, and touching them, and trying them on.
Yes, all the time, it makes it easier to cut it if it's wet and flat.
You could always cut it, or give some highlights. It's amazing how the little things done to your hair, can make a big change to your looks. But doing it in two long braids is cute, and like add a bow, or a head band.
I use google, but it mostly leads me to Ask . Com or answers . Com.
" They'll rip your head off, and puke in your dead skull!"
When I was last at camp, like last month. I'm not much of a runner, more of a bike rider.
He was found on his bathroom floor, he was pronounced dead at the hospital. He died of Cardiac arrhythmia.
Just go to Moshi Monsters home page, and click on the " Adopt a monster Now" under the " Sign In" in the top right corner of the screen.
Yea I think it would be cool to own like a bakery. Or like a diner!
Well I don't eat candy much, and I haven't had them in a while. But when I did, I liked them.
Two, total four,