What I know is just Windows and Mac
I can find the information more easily!
Sometimes I just play the computer, no outdoor activity
It is just a feeling, when you feel happiness, feel comfortable with the one, then perhaps he is your love
If they are all the MP3 format (music), and MPEG format (image), then they can,
Yet if the formats are not the compatible format supported by iPhone, you can't.
And you need an iPhone video converter to convert the files to the correct formats to move to your iPhone.
You can search it on the internet or purchase the professional version!
I recommend you try another brand dvd converter:
DVD to ipod converter or DVD to iphone converter,14days free trial version. You can convert all your favorite DVD to your hard disc during those 14 days. Try it now
Multimedia is contrast to media which only use traditional forms of printed or hand-produced material. Multimedia
is the combination of different
forms content and media, includes a combination of audio, text,
still image, animation, video and interactivity content forms.