No, if you don't get antibiotics soon the infection will spread to your kidneys. I had no symptoms of mine until the infection got to my kidneys and I thought I had pulled something in my lower back on one side. After a week it was so bad I couldn't move. I went to the … Read more
Athletes foot. Sometimes itching and redness is only symptoms. You can get over the counter creams from the drug store. It wont hurt to try it but if it doesn't work go to the doctor
If the scratching bothers you that much or he/she is scratching you then try using a nail file its safer than using clippers.
Check the nutrition facts label on the can, or on the ingredients your using to make your own soup.
Yes, our minds play tricks on us all the time. If a woman wants a baby really bad she may emotionally cause herself to get the physical symptoms of pregnancy. Even to the point she'll miss periods and her abdomen will noticeably swell. Not only women who want a child will experience this, women who … Read more
As a healthy young mother a woman has a less likely chance of having a baby with birth defects such as down syndrome. As a woman gets older, near her fortys, the risk is high. When women get to this age they may not produce healthy eggs as they did when they were younger. Some … Read more