You can go to the vet and ask but give it normal milk cat milk and mix it with water , and give it dry food and but water in it and the drain it so the food is soggy and that is what I did!! It might just not want to eat cause it … Read more
Maybe so they noe you love them
Well if you had a brain take it to the vet and he will tell you if it pregnant or something.
Really you will have to take them off every 6 weeks that is the best way if you leave them on for a year your will damage your nails
Take her to the vet STRAIGHT away, this is very bad take her to the vet ok plz this could be very serious
I think that she might be scared as well!! Just just in case take it to the vet it might be sick and doesn't want to drink !!! Cat flu has been going around see what the vet says?
I would write her a note and put it in her bag or something that's what I did but to a boy just say on the note how you really feel!!
I think you most will have to take it to the vet it might have the cat flu witch is really bad and your cats could dye from it so for your cats safety take it to the vet