Jeffrey Dressler answered question 10/22/2010 What Fruit Spoils Faster Orange,,or Strawberry? A banana would turn brown and moldy.
Jeffrey Dressler answered 10/22/2010 Which Fruit Rots The Fastest A Grape, A Apple, Or A Banana? A banana.
Jeffrey Dressler answered question 10/22/2010 Which Room Has No Roof,no Ceiling, No Floor, No Doors, No Windows, No Walls? A mushroom.
Jeffrey Dressler answered 10/22/2010 Riddle:I Am The Beginning Of The End, And The End Of Time And Space. I Am Essential To Creation, And I Surround Every Place.Is There Anyone Who Know? The letter E! Nice wording though, better than others.
Jeffrey Dressler answered question 10/22/2010 Riddle: What Comes Once In Year, Twice In Week, Once In Term And Never In A Month? The letter "E"