HR can be considered as the back bone of the organisation strategy...It is also said that the right person has to be recruited for the alloted position..It also takes its hold on the performance and reaching the goals of the company.Having been studied in MBA the HR specialisation would also give an exposure to the … Read more
Motivation can be said as creating the interest and enabling to do the task which is risky or difficult.....It can be considered as the mind co-operation and acceptance and willingness to do the things assigned.
Human values, tendency and care connected to the individual bond can be said as humanity.....As far as me it has to be taken up in all human beings and having the mentality of oneness and commited to one spirit is what is needed.
Hi, Communication is a tool for Business Organisation,Excellent in conveying the appropriate message would venture a good well as the goals and aims of the business would also ensure to be on a safe sector....It can be verbal or non verbal but effectiveness is the main focus for a best output.