I have a Rival Deep Fryer. Mine has detachable parts so after using it I let it cool completely,and remove the heating element and just use a hot soapy dish cloth and then rinse with a cloth untill all residue is removed. This is working great for me and the element does not stay in … Read more
I know how you feel! My husband has ask me for 11 years the very same question and my answer was always " just because". I knew why I loved him but like you said the words are there but speaking them was the problem. But in may of 2007 my husband, my best friend … Read more
I don't have professional advice, however personal advice is don't be a bully on the phone with the ones your trying to collect from. At least seem to care about their problem and be nice to them. But remember you are trying to collect a debt so don't get sucked in. GOD BLESS youthmom
Break of a piece at the bootom of the shaft and stick it into the potting soil. Water it and then just water enough to keep the soil a little wet, not like a reg house plant, just a little. Put it at a window and watch it grow. Mine are in the spare bathroom … Read more
I also have a son that is 8 years old,will be 9 in November. He has always been aggressive and angry. His Dr. And psycologist has said he is ADHD secondary to Bi-polar. However they do not want to formally diagnose him as bipolar because then he would have to be … Read more
Most likely red hair and brown eyes. These are the dominate colors. Most everyone I know has had children with these features under the same situation. All of my children (7), have darkish red hair and brown eyes, with the exception of one. I have dark brown hair almost black with hazel eyes and my … Read more
If it is a concrete stone you can clean the stone and then use an outdoor oil base paint with a brush NOT A SPRAY!!!. After it drys completly you should spray it all over with a "ClearCoat" sealer.
My husband painted a concrete birdbath for me several years ago,
using this method and it … Read more
You score two points per letter tile for any word formed with all letters only one tile high ( no letter in the word is stacked on top of another letter).
You score 1 point per letter tile for any word formed that contains any letters stacked two or more tiles high.Count each letter in … Read more