answered question
Simple economic development is acquired by men's work or natural resources without people being given benefit; so it is just an increasement on numbers. Human development includes improvement on education, health, wealth and happiness of people in general, and this requires that natural resources, as well as good environment, can be preserved for all people … Read more
Economic development is any kind of material improvement or wealth, not minding if later everything disappears. Sustainable development is a responsible way of improving wealth, by preserving the environment, so that natural sources and resources might still ensure the possibility of wealth for many and many people for a long time.
answered question
It means, one cannot make new ones from other. For instance, a diamond cannot be 'doubled', so if it disappeared, there would be no other in its place (that is why it is called " 'non're'new'able' "); whereas a tree can be renewable, for you can plant its seeds and then a new tree may … Read more
There is some confusion, as in the main regions where they are used the names are different of other areas'. Tapioca for some is the powder (otherwise named 'goma de mandioca' or 'polvilho' - both nouns in Brazilian Portuguese language) - from manihot, thus for making a kind of pie or cake or something else … Read more
Literally it does not exist. A 'concerto' (Italian noun) is a form of composition specifically made for solo instrument(s) together (just in some excerpts [segments, parts or moments] with an orchestra, large or smaller, normally the former making contrasts of ideas and/or kinds of sound with the latter. A symphony is a formal composition for … Read more
"Phil" comes from Greek, meaning "friend of", "adicted to"; "harmonic" also comes from Greek, meaning "well combined", "concordant", "euphonious", "pleasing", "tuneful"; thus "phil+harmonic" originally meant "containing nice sounds [or other well accepted elements]". A philharmonic orchestra nowadays means a group of music 'playmasters' supported financially by a group of people or by an entity such … Read more
answered question
Do you mean ' their butts ' and 'clean'? Which Romans? What a question!!! Are you mad at Romans??? Well, who knows?... Anyway can you wonder such a huge crowd of tourists - nowadays! - visiting Italy, as so many do, and inhaling and sniffing the air infested of a certain stuff from about 59 … Read more
It is a group of notes (usually 3 or 4) played at once or like an 'arpeggio' (the notes of a  harmonious series being played quickly one after other), that harmonise a (short) phrase of the main melody (by soloist/s), such as "C chord" (C Major) : C+E+G (+C); "Fm chord" (F minor) : F+Ab+C … Read more
Not much more than publicity, it is promoting, teaching distribution for retailers giving and/or only showing some products, but all having been prepared as a process with techniques for inducing sellers to have good commerce results both of products and of services as well.
Its motto in Spanish is " Juan es su nombre. ", that means in English " John is his name. ", both translated from Latin " Joannes Est Nomen Eius. ".