From shivan101
Well- havn't been on here in awhile. Lol... ANYWAY...
Basically the radiation from the sun burned your shoulders and either helped remove already dead skin or if you were out there for long hours actually further killed skin cells with the intense heat/radiation. It's a good and bad thing. It removes dead skin … Read more
The flute originated from ancient greece.
Seems natural to me! But if you mean diseased looking- could be an illness. Get him checked if you think something is wrong!
The potential impact of four different threats...
It is asking what the "impact" (The effect- for instance- what would happen if the threat of an nuclear bomb settled on a community? Perhaps anarchy?) of different threats. Not the effect of the conclusion of those threats. What impact would these threats have on society? Think about … Read more
Check They usually have some good arrangements. Don't know if you'll find what your looking for. But there is some really good stuff there!